Mission Statement: We commit to enriching and maintaining a comfortable and supportive living and learning community by representing residents' concerns, offering diverse programming, and providing desirable residence hall enhancements.

    Three Primary Goals

  1. To represent residents' concerns on those issues that affect them
  2. To build strong communities within residence halls through innovative social, educational, and service programs
  3. To provide enhancement items in residence halls in order to foster a more comfortable atmosphere

Executive Board 
   President: Hans Peng
   Vice President: Alisha Gardner
   Executive Secretary: Laida Alarcon
   Executive Treasurer: Brandon Peterson
   Chief Enhancements Officer: Natalie Dunlop
   National Communications Coordinator: Heather Robertson
   Internal Affairs: Emily Garrett
   External Affairs: Konrad Kosmala

   Advisers: Aliana Harrison and Annice Fisher

All of the information above was pulled from the RHA webiste at rha.unc.edu.